Favorite childhood moments
Mirabell Took's Magical Stories are amazing outdoor adventure games for kids ages 4 to 8. Together with the heroes of the adventure, we bravely conquer parks, carefully explore forests, turn your gardens and lawns into a fairy tale.
1,5 часа - 400£
About the storyteller
A long time ago, at the very end of the world, between the taiga hills, the most ordinary girl named Tanya was born. Once upon a time, unusual stories began to happen to this ordinary girl. First, while walking in the mountains, she met the Real-Ussuri-Tiger and believed in magic. And then, after many, many years, Tanya met the Most-Real-Fairy, who taught her to believe in fairy tales. It turned out that fairy tales live on trees, in clouds, chimneys, and anywhere. You just need to be able to catch, tell and show this fairy tale, and the girl already studied at the university, where she became a master of child psychology.
Since then, stories have become part of the any journey , and the journey is part of the story.
Tanya began to come up with special educational and entertainment programs and activities for children. She collects her stories in magic box. She also brings fairy tales to children for holidays and birthdays, and while no one sees, she hides vivid Memories-For-A-Lifetime under the pillows.
This storyteller, for her merits, was recently accepted into the Guild of the Most-Real-Fairies and given the magical name Mirabell Took.
And she is always happy to make new friends.